Thursday, February 7, 2013

Service Spotlight (2/7/2013)

Youthlinc wants to celebrate the amazing service that our students are doing in the community this year. So we are very excited to announce the launch of the Youthlinc Service Spotlight!  During the 2013 Service Year we will be updating the blog weekly with stories from our participants local service sites around the State of Utah!

All Youthlinc students commit to serving 60 - 100 hours of local service throughout the school year.  Each student selects one site where they will serve half of those hours.  This allows the student to become a relied upon volunteer at that organization and have the time to make a difference with the people they are serving.

Our first blog will highlight 3 amazing men from the Youthlinc Peru Team.  These boys have jumped into their service sites are already making a difference in the community.  Thank you Alex, Stephen and Ben!  

Alex Holt
"I volunteer at the ER of Ogden Regional Medical Center.  I am responsible for restocking rooms with medical supplies, changing bed sheets, giving patients blankets and drinks, answering calls, taking patients for x-rays or CT scans, and a bunch of other small tasks.  I also am able to translate when needed.  I had a cool experience a few weeks ago to translate for a guy while he was getting an IV and some other tests done because he didn't speak any English.  I also had a good 30 minute conversation with him in Spanish to help him calm down and relax a little bit.  I love my service site and plan to stay here for two years or more."

Ben Steenblik
"My main service site is Special Needs Scouting. I work with a group of special needs individuals ranging from ages 12 to 80. We work on getting merit badges. We help them attain the honor of getting their eagle. This picture is from our Halloween party. I have such an awesome time with them every Thursday night!" 

Stephen Buma
"In my service site I run the main information desk at the IMC Hospital in Murray. I go there every Wednesday from 4-8 pm. My duties range from looking up patients rooms, taking flowers to rooms, and anything else visitors ask me. It's so fun. I've taken flowers to patients who you could tell were in really bad shape but when I brought them flowers their faces would brighten and they were so friendly. 
You never really know what's going to happen next. I've gotten some pretty crazy requests. This one visitor even told me that she wanted to talk to someone in charge because the hospital smelled like coffee. There have been several other weird instances too. It's awesome!" 

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