Sunday, February 24, 2013

Why Do These Peru Students Love Their Service Sites?

Youthlinc students serve at many organizations around the State of Utah.  Every student chooses their main service site for different reasons.  Most students choose their site because they have a strong connection to the organization or a commitment to the mission.  

What makes these students love their service sites so much? 
They tell us in their own words: 

Melissa Melendez
"I volunteer at the Park City Christian Center. My main job is reception which is to assist anyone who walks in with the variety of services the Center offers.  I have become an expert on answering questions regarding donating, volunteering, the food pantry, the thrift store, etc.  Many people need help figuring out where to live and tell them about a program called roommate round-up.  I also explain how the food pantry works. It's really cool volunteering here, especially during the winter season because a lot of people from different countries like, Brazil, Argentina, PERU, and many more come in.   It is really interesting and rewarding to hear them talk about life in another country."

Broc Jones

"For my main service site I am working with Operation Smile by packing and organizing donations. Operation Smile is a service group that goes to Central American countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador; where they perform dental operations. I found out about this program through my friends who is committed to the organization.  I package toys, blankets and other miscellaneous items to be taken to needy countries.  I volunteer when I can or whenever help is needed. This year I hope to join the group to El Salvador where we will distribute the donations collected."

Lynette Dueñas
"Real Life in Salt Lake City has been an amazing experience.  I have enjoyed getting to know the refugee teens and have the chance to hang out with them. Every time I go I learn something new and I have become more patient and grateful for the things I have. The kids are so full of energy and love to play games like “partner tag.” My favorite activity has been ice skating at the Gallivan center. It was freezing but it was great to see kids who had never been ice skating before accomplish a small goal and try new things. My job at Real Life is to recognize teenagers and volunteers each week as they improve their skills and do simple act of kindness. I can’t wait to spend more time with them and teach them this year!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Service Spotlight - From Vietnam to Thailand

The Vietnam Benefit last night at Cafe Trang was a HUGE success! Thank you to our wonderful student volunteers who worked so hard to make this day a success.  We couldn't have done it without you!  

Thank you!
Jessica Bergeman
Colton Roueche
Samantha Bergeman
Tessie Pham
Nicole McReynolds
Madison Adams
Keaton Adams
Taylor Johns
Alyssa Clark

This week we also had 3 amazing students who continued to serve at their main service site. These young women are all on the Thailand team and will be traveling together to make a difference there this summer! Way to go ladies!!

Emily Young
"I am volunteering at Real Life Salt Lake City for my main local service site! We play with the refugee teens in Salt Lake! I am volunteering about 4 hours a week an I absolutely love being able to play with the teens and have fun with them!"
Emily also planned the last lesson at Real Life.  We learned how to do origami!  We really appreciate your help and hard work Emily!

Dani Calhoon

"My service site is the American Red Cross. Every month there are youth council meetings where we discuss upcoming events that we have an opportunity to volunteer at. We also discuss topics like blood donation, humanitarian law, and disaster relief. Volunteering at The Red Cross gives us a chance to get certified in things like CPR training, babysitting and disaster relief where we can eventually go to real life disasters and help those affected. Last month we raised $500 to make sandwiches to feed the homeless on Monday at an event called Dinner at Vinny's. 

 Madison Anderson

"I volunteer at the Timpanogos Regional Hospital. I mainly work in the gift shop where I organize, clean, and help customers. I also help at the front desk where and when needed and I help with delivering gifts, flowers, etc. to the patients in the hospital. I love where I volunteer because I am able to see everyday miracles."

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Service Spotlight - Valentine's Day Edition!

On Valentine's Day we normally think about the ones we love but many don't stop to think about those in need.  These amazing Youthlinc students from the Thailand team are taking time this Valentine's Day to spend time with those they call their their special service valentines.  A huge thank you to Catherine Burns, Itzak Lefler and Lauren Stehperson for your selfless service and inspiration! 

Catherine Burns 

"For my main service hours I volunteer at Midway Elementary School helping the students and teachers. I help the kids who are in what's called the "STAR" reading program. I read with the same two kids twice a week and I have loved getting to know them! They are both in 3rd grade and I really enjoy reading with them and watching them improve. It has been a great experience!"

Itzak Lefler
"I do most of my volunteer work with Good Shepherd Home Care and Hospice, a locally owned group of professionals and specialists who make it their mission to provide love and care for those who need it throughout Utah. I work with John Nielsen, a former Navy boiler-room mechanic and forest ranger. He has a strong love for the outdoors, and I spend a lot of time with him sharing stories, reminiscing about his fishing days and watching his favorite tv shows.  I also volunteer at the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake because I feel the need to help those who are going through a hard time, particularly those who are homeless. Whenever I go to help out with serving dinner meals, you can clearly see how much they appreciate you helping them out, even for one night. It makes you truly appreciate the simple things in life, like a warm dinner, that you often take for granted."

Lauren Stephenson
 "My main service site is Youthlinc's Real Life in Salt Lake City program. Going into the experience I was so nervous. I had never branched out into my community before. Real life has been an amazing experience. The joy the children radiate from having us there is infectious. I love all the people I've met. Volunteering has been an eye opening experience for me. It makes me appreciate all of my blessings and helps me remember to find the beauty in everything." 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Real Life January Recap

The 2013 year of Real Life in Salt Lake City is off to a great start!  We have an amazing group of volunteer mentors and the refugee teens from the Hser Ner Moo Welcome Center have been so fun to hang out with.  Take a look at some of the fun activities we have been doing so far this year!

Here is the first day at Real Life. We played "get to know you" games and learned a little bit about each other to start off a great year of Real Life!


Each team designed a flag and battled it out to trivial questions. 

We also learned about financial literacy. We played bingo and an intense game of pictionary to test our knowledge about all things finance. 

Ever made a volcano? We did! 
We made our own volcanoes and tested our skills of following directions. 

Estafanous, MJ, and Peter making their volcano!

We got to use spray paint, paint, and markers to come up with original ideas for the RL t-shirts this year.
(go to the Facebook group Real Life in Salt Lake City to vote for your favorite design!) 

Alex and Moe designing Real Life t-shirts!

In addition to the many activities above, we were able to go rock climbing at Momentum, ice skating at the Gallivan Center, and so much more! 

We had so much fun in January and can't wait for the rest of the year. 

Thanks so much for everyone's help in starting this year off so great! 

From now on we'll try to post a weekly recap of all the fun things we are doing and learning.