Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Local Service Quotes

"I loved being able make someone's life just a little bit happier for a couple hours. Volunteering made me realize that service doesn't have to be a grand humanitarian trip. I learned that service can be as simple as smiling and making a kid feel special. It was great!" - Laura Boyer, Primary Children's Hospital

"At my service site I taught students how to sew. It was something that they can take with them after they graduate and help make money to support themselves. It also gave them something to do that made them feel good about themselves." - Abigail Snow, Wasatch High School

"Service is fun! One day we were architects with spaghetti noodles and gumdrops and another we were spray painting t-shirts and playing capture the flag! Every day we were either doing some sort of game or project and this is service!" - Erica Thompson, Real Life in Salt Lake City

"My service site taught me to understand the word patience. It also helped me learn to live more simply and not take things for granted. The kids that I worked with are always so happy and the smallest things make them smile, they appreciate the little stuff and taught me to as well." - Grayson Murphy, Sugarhouse Boys and Girls Club

"My service has helped decide my career. The people that mentored me truly taught me more then I realize! It was such an incredible experience!" -Savanna Bryant, Morgan Elementary School
"A short time after I started volunteering, I was entrusted with taking a small group of kids that were struggling and needed extra attention. I remember helping a little girl sound out each letter in a word and repeating it for minutes on end so she could learn to read and spell better! It was the most rewarding experience " - Haleigh Michel, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salt Lake

"If you want to see the direct impact you are having on someone, give them a piece of your time. It is the most valuable thing you can give them." - Taylor Johns, Apple Village Retirement

"In my selfish opinion, I loved working at the Children's Center because for those three hours a week, I get to be a kid, play with toys, do crafts and forget about the outside world. Putting a smile on the kid’s faces is something I looked forward to every week." - Janey Lyon, The Children's Center

"At first I wasn't willing to volunteer Fridays but then I fell in love with the people. I went whatever days I could after that! I was so moved by the kids’ experiences and all that they have experienced. I want them to be the best they can, because they truly ARE the best. I want these kids to value themselves; I want to say I helped. The things I learned at Real Life are truly heartfelt, I not only learned about other kids and helping them, but learned so much about myself. " - Gui Pelaez, Real Life in Salt Lake City

"Service has taught me that you can make someone's life happier just by listening. Some people just need someone to talk to. "- Mecham Groneman, Good Shepherd Home Care and Hospice

"Service has taught me to be patient and understanding of differences. It has opened my eyes to the many things that individuals go through. This has made me appreciate all of the blessings that I have every single day. I have loved volunteering and seeing progress each day." - Elysha Davis, The Pingree Center

"Service has taught me that anyone and everyone can make a difference. People always say to me "I wish I could do what you're doing." But the truth is that they can! Anyone who cares and is willing to give some time can be a miracle in someone's life whether that is in Salt Lake or Thailand." - Jessica Oglesby, Hser Ner Moo Center

"To serve is to give a "hand up" not a "hand out", to work hard alongside those you're helping and form the relationships." - Joanie Moss, U.S. Dream Academy

"I never considered doing service before but Youthlinc had me locally volunteering which I felt was a fantastic requirement. It got me to open up to new experiences and see where I can make a difference." - Bree Jones, Neighborhood House Cottonwood Adult Day Care

"I have learned that every person in the world has their own passions, desires, happy moments and sad moments and that the importance of treating everyone with upmost respect and love is the greatest service you can give." - Ben Lindstrom, South Davis Hospital

"Most of the time the acts of service we perform are small and seem like they aren't a big deal - but they are and every little bit helps. It begins with one." - Emily Sorenson, Real Life Salt Lake

"I always knew that service was good and always in demand, but now I understand the impact that service can have on communities and the impact it can have on the volunteer. One person might not be able to save the world, but they can certainly change lives." - Mecham Groneman, Good Shepherd Home Care and Hospice

"I love how Youthlinc stresses the importance of local service. The positive created through the program leads to more closely knit communities and strong leaders for the future." - Mary McMillan, Peru Mentor 2012

"I loved having a main service site. By sticking around to volunteer in just one place I was able to make a greater difference and form lasting relationships with the people there." - Caroline Coleman, Big Brothers Big Sisters

"Service is the most sincere way to connect people. Beginning the year with a group of stranger but being great friends now at the end proves that." - Isaac Puriri, St. George Senior Center

"Service opens your eyes to see what true happiness is. The feeling I get after volunteering my time is one of the best feelings ever, especially when you see the smiles on the faces of the people you served." - Alison Gay, Real Life in Salt Lake City

"At first I felt like going to my service site every week was a pain but as I continued to go I realized 3 hours of my week was nothing to give these kids! By the end I was going 10 hours or more each week because I just wanted to be there. Service isn't a hassle anymore; it is a privilege to serve them." - Kira Mercer, Lincoln Elementary

"Service is not about how it looks on an application, it is about how you can affect others. Service allows both the giver and the receiver a chance to grow." - Grayson Murphy, Boys and Girls Club

"I would love to go back to Kenya but I am not sure when I will have that opportunity again. So, I am very happy we had to do local service because now I there is a need for service at home. I used to think all that was needed at home was to feed the homeless or visit a rest home but I've discovered there is so much more to do." - Haleigh Michel, Kenya 2012

"I've learned how much I love service this year. Real Life in SLC showed me the opportunities and friendships gained through serving your community. I believe the Youthlinc service requirements for service hours truly create better people. " Carolyn Taylor, Real Life in Salt Lake City

"Service is not one big goal. It is a lot of small things that, in the end, make a dramatic impact on someone's life." - Isabel Reback, Friend and Family Cambodia 2012

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Guatemala Retreat!

The 2013 Guatemala team had a very successful retreat located at the Salt Lake Center for Science Education! We had a lot of fun playing games and getting to know each other. This overnighter came with not only fun but work too, we made tie blankets to donate as well as painted and cleaned at the Hser Ner Moo center. Everyone on the team is making a great effort to know their teammates and look forward to the next meeting.

Tie Blankets!
Guatemala Excitement!

Getting to Know the Team!